Friday, May 24, 2013

My Workout Schedule - 5/20-6/9

Here's a look at my workout schedule for the weeks 5/20-6/9.  Depending on what I have going on that week, some workouts are done in the morning and some in the afternoon.  This is my own version of P90X, mixing strength training, yoga, interval training, and rest.  
  • Monday - Shred415 - Arms & Abs (see previous post about Shred415)
  • Tuesday - P90X2 Chest, Back, and Balance
  • Wednesday - Off
  • Thursday - P90X2 Total Body
  • Friday - P90X Shoulders and Arms
  • Saturday - P90X2 Yoga
  • Sunday - Track workout with friends (usually 400m intervals with pull-ups and dips)
Now, not every week will be in this order.  Things come up sometimes so I might move my rest day to earlier or later in the week.  But in general, I try to workout between 4-7 days per week and change up my workouts every 3-4 weeks.  I'm not perfect though, so I might have bad weeks where I workout 3 days per week.  But in general, I try to be consistent with my workouts and workout more days than not in the month.  

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