Friday, May 24, 2013

Shred415 and Circuit Training

As I became more interested in becoming certified as a personal trainer, I looked into classes to take in my area that would expose me to new training methods. One of the classes I came across was called Shred415. I've been to about 6 Shred415 classes with multiple instructors, so I feel like I have a good understanding of what they are all about.

In short, Shred415 alternates between intervals on the treadmill and weight-training. I've seen classes where the intervals are 15 minutes long, 10 minutes long, or pyramid style (15,10,5). Most classes are an hour long and have themes for the weight-training section (Arms & Abs, Legs & Butt, Total Body).

I had already been to a few Shred415 classes before I received the NASM Personal Trainer study materials, but once I got to the cardiorespiratory fitness training section, I immediately saw a connection between stage training/circuit training and Shred415. The purpose of stage training is to ensure that cardiorespiratory training programs progress in an organized fashion to ensure continual adaptation and to minimize risk of overtraining and injury. The stages are based on three heart rate training zones and each stage helps create a strong cardiorespiratory base to build on in subsequent stages. The stages are the following:
  • Zone 1:  65-75% of HR max
  • Zone 2:  76-85% of HR max
  • Zone 3:  86-95% of HR max
Stages II and III use interval training in which intensities are varied throughout the workout. The focus of these stages is to increase the workload (speed or incline) in a way that will alter heart rate in and out of zones one, two, and three.  For example, the treadmill section of the Shred415 classes uses interval training by increasing the speed or incline for a period of time and then lowering the speed/incline to allow for recovery.  I am waiting to get a heart rate watch to take to class, but using the handles on the treadmill, I find my heart rate in the 170's and 180's often, which is in Zone 3 for me.  The watch I'm getting will allow me to determine how much time I spent in each zone, so I'm excited to try it out.

Stage training alone is a great workout, but Shred415 takes it a step further and incorporates circuit training into their classes.   After your time on the treadmill, you move to the floor and begin strength-training exercises performed one after another, with minimal rest.  Classes often include exercises using your own body weight, or the BOSU ball, or even TRX straps.  I often find myself having to lighten my load since there is no rest between moves, and I even take mini-breaks.  The instructors are extremely motivating though, so the breaks don't last long.
As you can tell, Shred415 is a big calorie burner.  Again, my heart rate watch will give an estimate of calories burned, so I'll report back on the results.  But I've started to incorporate this stage training/circuit training design into workouts for my sister and friends and they are really enjoying them.  I am attending a Shred415 class about once a week myself.  There are some things to be careful with about this class such as properly warming up (this isn't a formal part of class) and not being afraid to modify the speeds for your own personal   fitness level, but overall, this is a fantastic class that will get you great results.

For more information on Shred415 click here.  

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